Is Educational Burden Being Shifted to Businesses?

The U.S. Chamber offers an interesting post regarding education in the United States.

The author surmises:

Particularly in highly technical fields, such as computer science, private training is often tailored to the specific needs of a company or niche industry.  While earning a masters degree might provide one with a broad foundation of knowledge and skills, it is almost always necessary to have that training be finely tuned to the needs of their employers.  Regardless of where the training takes place, it becomes a marketable skill for the employee to take elsewhere … According to the 2008 Corporate Learning Factbook, the business community is subsidizing this educational enrichment to the tune of $58.5 billion each year, mirroring the federal government’s investment in education.

In related news, check out the Ready Indiana program to see how the Indiana Chamber is helping the business community make the right connections for workforce training needs.

So what do you think? Has the educational ceiling in America been reached? Is this an indictment of public education or just an inevitable paradigm shift? What, if anything, should be done to change it?

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