Racing to Discover New Energy Technologies

The combination of motorsports and advanced vehicle technologies has one of its homes in Indiana and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The tradition of applying lessons learned at the racetrack to the cars we drive on the road is a long one.

Nationally, federal workers are being highlighted for their work in this area. The subject of this profile is Forrest Jehlik, lauded for his expertise in alternative fuels. An excerpt below and the full story.

Jehlik said many decisions that are made in the political and commercial arenas regarding energy sources and auto technology are not always based on the best science, but driven by economic considerations and the power of vested interests. He said his federal energy laboratory engages in pure research and makes its findings widely available, letting the results speak for themselves.

“We are not paid if hydrogen or ethanol wins out. We look at the technology and the fuels and see what works,” said Jehlik. “That’s what makes us unique.”


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