I’ll Take the Job, but Hold the Anchovies

So, this is happening. The Consumerist reports:

One would think that in these tough economic times, placing a help-wanted ad in the paper or online would be sufficient for netting employers a pile of resumes. But the Transportation Safety Administration has decided to target a very specific demographic in the Washington, D.C., area — pizza eaters.

The ad, touting a "career where x-ray vision and federal benefits come standard," is for TSA security officers at Washington-Dulles International and Reagan National Airports and is apparently popping up on pizza boxes around our nation’s capital.

Do you think this is an effective or embarrassing method of reaching potential hires?

I’m sure some would say pizza eaters are an odd audience for the message, but hey, if you can’t handle pizza (or dairy, for that matter), what makes you think you can handle a job at the TSA?

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