Interns: Telling the Indiana Story

What percentage of Indiana interns are paid compared to earning college credit? What is the average wage for those positions? How do Hoosier interns evaluate the work that can often lead to full-time employment?

For the first time, answers to those questions and more are available – in the State of Indiana Internships report. Richard Bottner, founder and president of Intern Bridge, conducted a recent national student survey. Indiana INTERNnet, the employer-intern matching program managed by the Chamber, contracted with Bottner to provide statewide results from more than 1,650 students at 20 Indiana colleges and universities.

Pam Norman, Indiana INTERNnet executive director, says the information (along with the program’s other resources) can help employers build their internship programs with a better understanding of student goals.

It’s a quick read (23 pages with plenty of charts and graphics) that tells the story of Indiana internships. Bottom line: internship opportunities are growing, students are being exposed to career opportunities throughout the state and companies are realizing the benefits of bringing talented, enthusiastic young people into their organizations.

Check it out here.

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