It’s Time to Decide RTW Issue

Indiana House Democrats are correct: Right-to-work (or any important legislation) deserves comprehensive consideration before it is voted upon and potentially enacted.

But the House D’s own web site acknowledges that the issue has been thoroughly debated already.

• Numerous meetings conducted earlier this year by the Interim Study Committee on Employment provided overwhelming proof that making Indiana a “right-to-work” state …

 “Even though months of testimony provided no proof that ‘right-to-work’ would bring new jobs to Indiana …

"Numerous meetings" and "months of testimony" qualify as comprehensive consideration. It’s time for the issue to be decided before the full General Assembly, starting with the joint committee hearing scheduled for Friday morning.

Hoosiers want their representatives to do the jobs they were elected to do, not play games or use delaying tactics. Whether Indiana becomes the 23rd right-to-work state needs to be decided on its own merits.

Let the debate — not the games — continue.  And if you need more facts to help you decide where you stand on the issue, check out our web site.

7 thoughts on “It’s Time to Decide RTW Issue

  1. The “right to work” bill is poltical leveraging not a potential job creating tool.The main focus is to finanacially break the Unions so the Democrats can no longer receive their contributions.How would the Chamber of Commerce like it if its members would only have to pay their membership fees if they “felt like it”?VOTE NO TO THE RIHGT TO WORK BILL!

  2. The "right to work" bill is poltical leveraging not a potential job creating tool.The main focus is to finanacially break the Unions so the Democrats can no longer receive their contributions.How would the Chamber of Commerce like it if its members would only have to pay their membership fees if they "felt like it"?VOTE NO TO THE RIHGT TO WORK BILL!

  3. The \"right to work\" bill is poltical leveraging not a potential job creating tool.The main focus is to finanacially break the Unions so the Democrats can no longer receive their contributions.How would the Chamber of Commerce like it if its members would only have to pay their membership fees if they \"felt like it\"?VOTE NO TO THE RIHGT TO WORK BILL!

  4. Appreciate your passion and writing three times, but the reality is that Indiana Chamber advocacy efforts benefit all businesses in the state. Nearly 5,000 companies pay the voluntary membership dues because they value the services we deliver. It should work the same with unions. Serve the members well and they will stay. But it should be each individual’s choice just like it is the choice of each business whether or not to join the Chamber or any other association.

  5. Can members of the Chamber of Commerce get all of the benefits of being a member without paying dues? We know the answer to that, don’t we?

    Why don’t we take your philosophy a step further. Lets give everybody cable tv and if they think its worth it, they can pay something. If not, they can CHOOSE not to pay. They can also CHOOSE to work in 90% of other jobs that are non-union. Duh.

  6. NO TO RIGHT TO WORK!!!!!!!!! It WILL NOT HELP INDIANA !!!!!!! It is not right for someone to work at a union shop and not pay dues and get the same benefits as a union member.

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