Evaluating the Workplace Seating Chart

10061396After reading the following, people may start thinking about what category they fit in. And managers might consider some potential changes. The conclusions come from Harvard Business School researchers.

Placing the right mix of workers in close proximity to each other can generate up to a 15% increase in organizational performance, according to a study from Cornerstone OnDemand.

The researchers determined that there are three types of employees: productive, generalist and quality. Productive workers get work done quickly, but they don’t necessarily get it done well. Quality workers produce stellar work, but they’re not the most productive people in the office. And generalist employees are average in terms of both productivity and quality.

The study’s authors found that the impact on productivity and effectiveness is most pronounced when employees who are strong in one area but weak in another sit near each other. Specifically, seating “productive” and “quality” workers together and seating “generalists” separately in their own group shows a 13% gain in productivity and a 17% gain in effectiveness. “In short, symbiotic relationships are created from pairing those with opposite strengths,” the study’s authors wrote.

While the impact of seating employees close to each other happens almost instantly, the effects aren’t long lasting if the two groups are eventually separated. Once separated, the positive impact the employees had on each other usually goes away within two months, according to the study.

New Cornerstone Partners Program Recognizes Chamber Members

Who doesn't like a little extra recognition? Indiana Chamber of Commerce members now have the opportunity for a LOT more of it through the new Cornerstone Partners program.

Cornerstone Partners will enable member companies – those investing at the $10,000 level and up – to take their visibility to new heights. The Chamber works directly with nearly 5,000 member companies, which represent more than 800,000 Hoosier workers. As the fourth largest state Chamber in the country, its impact is broad and significant.

"The Cornerstone Partners program is a way to recognize these member companies and their commitment to the work of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce," shares Tim Brewer, vice president of membership. "Through the Chamber's brand strength and awareness, we have strong relationships with thousands of companies and numerous other stakeholders. This will help generate good exposure for their organization. It's all about exposure and recognition."

Membership levels include Leadership, Chairman's Circle, Champion and Pinnacle. Some of the benefits (depending on the level) include visibility on the Chamber's web site, as well as on new Cornerstone office and mobile displays; special seating at the annual Legislative Dinner; and recognition in a BizVoice® magazine tribute.

"Before this program launched, we had member representatives who were interested in growing the statewide visibility of their companies. We think this is a great way to do that," Brewer adds.

While the Cornerstone Partners program highlights leading investors, it does not change the Chamber's commitment to small businesses or its advocacy role on their behalf. It simply offers new resources for exposure and brand recognition.

"For our small businesses, our focus continues to be on businesses of all shapes and sizes and industries. We have a number of tools already designed for small businesses, including our free HR helpline, the Business Research Center, exposure on our web site through member press releases and member spotlights," Brewer affirms.

Learn more online or contact Brewer via email or at (317) 264-7539.