Workin’ for a Livin’

I was really excited to get to see country mega-group Alabama in concert recently. I’d been brushing up on their music, and one hit song really stuck out to me because it’s incredibly applicable to the message we share at Indiana Skills.

It’s called “Forty Hour Week (For a Livin’),” and the song glorifies middle-skill jobs and the individuals who do them. It’s really quite inspirational. One line of the chorus goes, “Hello Detroit auto worker, let me thank you for your time. You work a 40-hour week for a living, just to send it on down the line.” The song also highlights farmers, steel workers, coal miners and several other hard-working folks.

One comment on the video struck me. It reads, “The sad part is that most of these jobs are automated now.” The Ready Indiana staff has traveled from Lafayette to Columbus to Princeton to Valparaiso, and we can tell you that hands-on labor is not dead. In fact, it’s where a good portion of the job demand in Indiana lies. And these jobs make good careers. See the facts at

And be sure to check out this classic country tune:

[tube]S-G2J3RzURA [/tube]

A Good Focus: Highland High School’s Parent University

Our Ready Indiana staff recently traveled to Highland High School (Lake County) to talk with parents about their children’s options post-graduation. We were so impressed the Highland guidance team brought parents in to listen to experts on different school, graduation and post-graduation topics. Sometimes we forget that students spend much more time at home than at school — and parents play a major role in students’ decisions!

In our session, we defined “middle-skill” jobs and discussed statistics showing those jobs are most in-demand in Indiana right now. We demoed and also discussed the Technical Honors Diploma. We were pleased with the interest parents had in learning about ALL the options their student has during and after high school.

We hope high schools that don’t have a similar program in place consider reaching out to parents with this information so they can help their student make informed post-graduation choices.