Governors Getting Connected

State News Magazine recently identified the "most connected" governors in the United States. According to the magazine, only five governors in the country use four out of the five major social networking sites.

According to the article, none of them use Myspace, but all use Facebook, flickr, Twitter and YouTube. They are: 

  • Mike Beebe (Arkansas)
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger (California)
  • Deval Patrick (Massachusetts)
  • Rick Perry (Texas)
  • Jim Doyle (Wisconsin)

Well folks, I believe I have a sixth four-out-of-fiver for you who wasn’t listed in the article — Mitch Daniels. Looks like our governor has official accounts on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Myspace.

Other governors identified who use three of the five social tools are Bob Riley (Alabama); Bill Ritter (Colorado); Steve Beshear (Kentucky); Martin O’Malley (Maryland); Jennifer Granholm (Michigan); Haley Barbour (Mississippi); Jon Corzine (New Jersey); Bev Perdue (North Carolina); and Christine Gregoire (Washington).

Regarding the reasons for getting involved in social media, Florida Sen. Dave Aronberg says it’s an easy decision:

It’s a no brainer for a politician to use the new media. You’re not going to be misquoted if you are the one sending out your own communication. It’s also a great way to engage the voters in a two-way conversation.

EcoDriving Brings Less Impact to Environment, Wallet

Are you looking to save money at the pump and reduce carbon emissions? Who isn’t. Gasoline prices and going green have to be two of the most popular topics for 2008.

EcoDriving USA combines both. Sponsored by the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, with early support from governors Arnold Schwarzenegger of California and Bill Ritter of Colorado, the web site and interactive tools offer advice for saving money and reducing environmental impact.

The tips — proper tire inflation, as little stop-and-go driving as possible, etc. — will help boost fuel mileage by as much as 15%, according to the web site. If everyone followed EcoDriving practices, the estimated reducation in CO2 emissions would equal 450 billion miles traveled each year.

We’ve seen the stories with similar pieces of advice. The web site, however, includes a video guide, "EcoCalculator" for determining individual and state impacts, as well as additional information. Check it out. The gas and green subjects are certain to remain top of mind, especially when that credit card bill comes with the purchases at the pump.